Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry

We have the right expertise and equipment to bring out the best in your smile! Restorative dentistry in Saint Apollonia Dental can replace and repair teeth, restore your ideal bite, and strengthen the integrity of your smile. Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures, but only when you have a healthy mouth—we’re here to help you make a plan to restore your smile.


Crowns strengthen teeth back to optimum integrity. At Saint Apollonia Dental, crowns are created with incredible detail. Every tooth is different, so every crown needs to incorporate just the right structure in order to blend in with your surrounding teeth and perform well.

Saint Apollonia Dental offers dental implants that can amaze you with their natural appearance and strong foundation. The benefits of a durable restoration motivate patients to get dental implants. You deserve to feel comfortable and confident in your smile!

Endodontics refer to treatment within a tooth—root canals. Saint Apollonia Dental performs endodontics when a tooth becomes abscessed, infected and/or is severely painful. As a benefit to patients, our schedule always allows emergency dental care for patients needing endodontic treatment.

Eating is a simple pleasure everyone should be able to enjoy. For some patients, however, uncomfortable chewing can turn eating into a painful experience. Fortunately, we is able to bring your bite back to comfort and balance. Full mouth rehabilitation may utilize dental implants, TMJ treatment, crowns, bridges or other procedures.

With modern dental materials, we can provide the strength of a dental crown, with an even more conservative restoration. Inlays and onlays replicate the natural contours of teeth.

A dental bridge is one of many options to replace teeth. We make beautiful and functional bridges, which look completely natural! We put exacting details into every restoration so you feel confident in your smile. Your bridge will also bring back the integrity of your bite, so you can eat with comfort.